Wherever you see the Climate Neutral Certified label, it means the company is accountable for its greenhouse gas emissions. To earn the label, a company must annually measure cradle-to-customer emissions, implement specific action plans to reduce emissions, and invest in high quality, verified carbon credits.
The certification requirements are detailed in the rigorous, peer-reviewed Climate Neutral Certified Standard. Each company’s application is reviewed for compliance by Change Climate’s certification team.
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Bona Furtuna N.A.'s emissions inventory uses a mix of spend- and activity-based data. Bona Furtuna N.A. attests to the accuracy of their data inputs and the Change Climate team reviews the submission for compliance with our Standard.
375 tCO2e
Roughly equal to driving 84 gas-powered cars for one year
0.28 kgCO2e per dollar of revenue
Emissions intensity
Emissions over time
Emissions year
Emissions Intensity (kgCO2e per dollar of revenue)
Bona Furtuna N.A. has adopted near-term action plans to reduce GHG emissions within the next 12-24 months.
Source of emissions
Upstream shipping
Transition 90% freight in to ocean freight or ground shipping across all of our sourcing activities (packaged food, packaging, promotional m ...read more
In progress
Complete By
Q3 2024
Scope 3
Source of emissions
Operational waste
BFNA LLC will implement a structured recycling program and policy for all our controlled facilities to recycle 100% of recyclable materials. ...read more
In progress
Complete By
Q4 2024
Scope 3
Source of emissions
Reduce weight master case packaging for pasta by 25% and eliminate plastic bags holding our pasta by 50%.
Newly set
Complete By
Q3 2026
Scope 3
Source of emissions
Transition 50%-65% of electricity to wind, solar, hydro through our electric utility in Head Office - Jackson, WY.
Newly set
Complete By
Q3 2026
Scope 2
Source of emissions
Operational waste
We will reduce our single use swag to 5% of our overall purchases for marketing materials such as, but not limited to, t-shirts, hats, pamph ...read more
Complete By
Q3 2024
Scope 3
Bona Furtuna N.A. addressed last year’s emissions by buying and retiring an equal amount of high quality, verified carbon and clean energy credits.
Emissions accounted for
375 tCO2e
Roughly equal to keeping 420,000 pounds of carbon in the ground
Total investment
Project types
Projects that capture or remove emissions from industrial processes.
In 2013 we set out to create an organic olive farm, that was supported by the endemic biodiversity of the region. This blossomed into a wide selection of Italian fare with a focus on organic products, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. As we continue to strive towards making a better company we became a member of 1% for the Planet and then a BCorp member. We hope to continue improving our brand by committing towards climate neutrality.
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© Copyright 2025 Climate Neutral. All rights reserved. Climate Neutral is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization | Tax ID number: 83-3404014. Contributions to Climate Neutral are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.